Shuk’ Shuka bel bid

If you ask anyone who has visited Algeria, he certainly knows Algerian Shek’shuka. A dish made from sliced onions, fresh tomatoes and eggs, usually served with Algerian homemade kessra or flatbread. It is the most popular dish in the country. We use Shak’shuka as a filling for different bread varieties and appetizers. Most of Algerian families take it as a full meal. It can also be served for brunches on Sundays.

Tips & tricks: Upon attempting shek’shuka, your first instinct will be to save this dynamic egg dish for breakfast for brunch, but I encourage you to give this is a second look as a dinner dish.

4 servings – prep. & cook time: 20 mnts


2 medium-sized onions

2 medium sized tomatoes, diced

3 sweet green peppers

Fistful parsley

4 eggs

1/4 cup olive oil

Salt and pepper

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Cut both onions in semicircles. Cut peppers into rounds or strips. Fry in pan with half of the olive oil, adding salt, pepper and sautee until golden brown.

2. Add diced tomatoes and stir until entire mixture takes on a mixed, soft texture and all liquid evaporates.

3. As mixture is cooking, lower heat. Crack four eggs spread out over the top of the onion/tomato mixture, cover with a lid, and keep on low heat until done. (Don’t mix the eggs)

4. Add parsley as a garnish.


Zaa‘louka (Charred Eggplant Salad)